

The Almost-Zone

The Almost-Store

Quotes: Famous/Almost-Famous

Things to Watch For . . .

The Last Word (almost)

The Almost-Store

This is an "almost-store" in that the stuff is not really here at all (no bricks and mortar either), but rather there are links to where almost-stuff may be acquired.

Almost-stuff makes the almost-perfect present for almost-any occasion (you just need to add wrapping paper). The items are relatively inexpensive, and yet they are distinctive and memorable.

Types of almost-stuff available:

1. The Almost Dictionary: A humorous reference book.

2. Information Gone Almost-Wild: A humorous Information Age manifesto.

3. Shirts and Mugs: Shirts and Mugs with sayings on them.

The Almost-Dictionary - version 0.987654321

The Almost-Dictionary was begun here on the Almost-World web site in December, 2007. It was continued in an almost desultory way until the printing of the almost-second (1.987654321) edition (see below).

Menu  The Almost-Dictionary - version 0.987654321 (almost-one).

The Almost-Dictionary - version 1.987654321

This version was published in August, 2009. This is an almost-unabridged collection of almost-words. The first cover was almost-green (greenish-blue), instead of orange (almost-red).


Link to


Link to


Available here:

USA: Amazon

USA: Barnes and Noble

UK: Amazon

Canada: Amazon


Information Gone Almost-Wild

Published in December, 2011. This is an Information Age manifesto (humorous in places).


Link to


Available here:

USA: Amazon

USA: Barnes and Noble

UK: Amazon

Canada: Amazon


At CafePress (The Almost-World store):



Link to CafePress

Link to CafePress

Link to CafePress

Link to CafePress

Link to CafePress


Available almost-sayings:
Think Almost-Worldly, almost-act locally.
Information needs to be almost-free.
Everyone is almost whoever they become next.
History is hard to know, because everyone tells it like it almost-was.
I'm almost-listening. Ah, . . . . What?
Almost-all you need is like.
Don't knock it, almost-news is usually better than real news.
Knowledge is almost-power.
If you build it, somebody is going to want it modified.
I'm almost-engaged, so far we have just exchanged mugs.
The almost-world includes everything that is almost the case.


Not Here Now:

This is a real store (just in case you have been shopping online too much lately and forgot what one looked like).

A real store.


----- Almost-Serious, Almost-Contagious, and Almost-Otherworldly -----

Almost-World © JOHN DALSTON 2007-2019. All rights reserved.
Powered by: Electricity mostly (ok, and the almost out-of-breath hamster in a wheel).